
Dying light steam
Dying light steam

dying light steam

Why it matters: That was the new game’s peak concurrent player count on the PC gaming service Steam over the weekend and the kind of gargantuan audience figures that attest to a gaming market that isn’t slowing down. New threats require special new equipment. Zombies-and-parkour game Dying Light 2 had a huge launch last week, and one big number shows how big it was: 274,983. However, there's always a chance that even more players will join the ranks of survivors in Dying Light 2, pushing it to go several positions higher. Use your agility and combat skills to survive, and change the fate of The City. It's unknown how the situation will change in the next few days but it seems likely that Dying Light 2's peak record on PC is already set, as is usually the case for games on their first weekend. Related: Dying Light 2 Has One Of The Weirdest Side Quests Of All Time At the time of writing, Dying Light 2 has the all-time peak of nearly 267,000 players, which has granted it the 25th position in Steam's most-played titles ever according to SteamDB - just slightly behind Halo Infinite, Kholat, and Skyrim. The sequel peaked at over 180,000 players during its first 24 hours, and the number continued to grow throughout the weekend. Dying Light 2 was released last week and quickly became one of the most popular games on Steam, at one point hitting over 240,000 concurrent players.The open-world zombie RPG is the follow-up to the also successful Dying Light, launched back in 2016. Techland's open-world title is currently 25th on Steam's most-played list, totalling over 250,000 concurrent players.ĭying Light 2 has been hitting some serious player count numbers on Steam ever since it launched, even more than the original game had.

dying light steam

#Dying light steam Patch#

Along with the game's debut, the first patch was.

dying light steam

The title arrived simultaneously on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. We finally lived to see the release of Dying Light 2, the latest game from Techland. Dying Light 2 Stay Human First-Person NPC Interaction Cutsceneĭying Light 2 came out just a few days ago and it's already secured a place among Steam's most-played games of all time. Dying Light 2 has debuted on the market, and it's already racking up some impressive activity scores on Steam.

Dying light steam